Corporate Social
Responsibility Statement

The Rhopoint Group of companies is committed to creating business growth whilst ensuring that impact on the environment is minimised and that all activities are conducted safely by well-trained and qualified employees.

The Group respects local laws and customs while supporting international laws and regulations.

The following summarises the Rhopoint Group’s policies and procedures in areas of Corporate Social Responsibility: Environment, Sustainability, Health & Safety, People, Community and Business Ethics.

1.0 Environment & Sustainability

We have a proactive approach to environmental management, which strives to anticipate and prevent potential environmental degradation. We are committed to complying with local, national, and international environmental regulations applicable to our operations and business services and have integrated environmental considerations into our operations, asset management, and other business decisions, in all markets.

We recognise that identifying and quantifying environmental risks should be part of the normal process of risk assessment and management.

With regard to our customers, we regard compliance with applicable environmental regulations and the use of sound environmental practices as important factors in demonstrating effective corporate management.

We will endeavour to pursue the best practice in environmental management, including energy efficiency, recycling and waste reduction. We will seek to form business relations with partners, suppliers, and subcontractors who follow similarly high environmental standards.

We review and update our practices periodically to incorporate relevant developments in environmental management. We recognise the need to conduct internal environmental reviews on a periodic basis, and to measure our activities against our environmental goals.

We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our operations by addressing the areas of energy use, business travel and waste management.

Our objectives are to:

  • Avoid physically travelling to meetings etc. where alternatives are available and practical, such as using teleconferencing, video conferencing or web cams, and efficient timing of meetings to avoid multiple trips.
  • Reduce utility usage by employing utility providers who have sustainable and recycled energy.
  • Implement new sustainable technologies throughout the Group.
  • Consider environmental criteria when choosing services and goods.
  • Fundamentally, we will reduce our impact on the environment and ask that our employees, suppliers and clients do likewise.

What we do:

  • Provide recycling facilities for paper, printer toners, batteries etc.
  • Where possible, reuse, reduce and recycle at all Rhopoint sites.
  • Use appropriately licensed organisations to remove and where possible recycle IT and electronic equipment in accordance with WEEE regulations.
  • Make available a “Ride to Work” cycling scheme.
  • Provide teleconferencing facilities at each location.

2.0 Health and Safety

Rhopoint recognises its health and safety duties and responsibilities and complies with the relevant health and safety legislation. The Managing Director for each Rhopoint company has overall responsibility for Health & Safety and is supported by the Group Health and Safety Manager to ensure effective implementation of policies and procedures. Rhopoint’s health and safety policies are focused on information, instruction and training covering:

  • First Aid at work, fire precautions and any hazard/risk related issues.
  • Safe Handling, use and disposal of hazardous substances.
  • Emergency procedures.
  • Each Rhopoint company provides a Health and Safety Manual which is available to members of staff.

3.0 Employees

We recognise that our employees are our key asset. We are committed to attracting the most creative and highly qualified persons, we then make every effort to create a working culture and environment that inspires our employees to stay with us for the long term.

Rhopoint’s policies and procedures, including those relating to social, environmental, health and safety, employment and ethical matters, are communicated to all staff via Rhopoint’s Employee Handbook.

3.1 Employees and Equal Opportunities

It is Rhopoint’s policy to adhere to all legislation relating to employment rights and equal opportunities. It is our firm intent that all employees should have an equal level of advancement, access to opportunity and the training necessary to that end, irrespective of the employee’s sex, race, colour, religion, disability, sexual orientation or age.

3.2 Employees and Training & Development

Training, development, and awareness of our personnel are major factors in understanding and maintaining our overall corporate goals and business management systems. One of our objectives is to develop and retain a highly skilled, collaborative and agile workforce, capable of creative thinking and exceptional performance.

Rhopoint recognises the value that its employees create for the business and its commitment to training and personal development. Our PIER appraisals actively encourages and identifies the training needs and development of employees. Rhopoint also accommodates apprenticeship training schemes.

4.0 Community

We recognise and understand the significance of the local community within which we operate. We aim to enhance our contribution to the community by being sensitive to the needs of local people and groups and promoting ethical and socially responsible trading.

5.0 Business Ethics

We work with our customers and suppliers to establish sound and sustainable trading practices, and take steps to ensure our business partners adhere to the same principles as we do.

We pay attention to social impacts and human rights including anti-slavery, environmental impacts, anti-bribery and corruption.

We expect our customers and suppliers to conduct their relationship with us on a fair and ethical basis.

We do not give or receive any bribes, extra contractual gratuities, inducements, facilitation fees or similar payments.

Adam Stanger
Group Quality Assurance Manager
Rhopoint Holdings Limited.

Rev 2: October 2022

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